Veterinarian Visits

When you have discovered a concern about your dog's health, whether it is physical or mental, the most common course of action is to ask a veterinarian how to treat your best friend. Veterinarians are dedicated physicians for your pet; a task that is not an easy one considering how diverse the dog species is. From the little chihuahua to the great Dane, we have a very differing anatomy for each of our dog breeds. This is a very time consuming training and certification process. They are very smart and capable physicians!

However, the current course of action is not to treat the problem, but the symptoms. This is a very frustrating solution to your dog's health problems. You cannot find a good solution if you are constantly trying to treat a hot spot, each time they appear! The real question should be, why does it appear at all. In this valuable course of action, holistic medicine, holistic healing begins.

You are where you will find a solution, and it opens a new course of questions. Of course, there are specialists that deal with holistic therapies for your dog, from acupuncture, to massage therapy, and nutrition. I believe that a visit to the vet, and the holistic healer will be a wise investment. You will have solutions to treat the symptoms; and a course of action to the solution.

Let's say your dog has a bad allergic reaction-itchy skin. I have much experience in this problem! Hot spots, dry skin, hair loss, general malaise, are all symptoms of the allergy. The vet can diagnose the allergy, and through a series of allergy panels, find what your dog is allergic to. This can be unrealistic for many, as the cost can be upwards of $500 or more! You can see many of these issues are a concern, if you go to the vet, and talk to the technicians, and the other dog owners. It is a real problem! The vet will help your best friend with prescriptions to stop skin eruptions that have become infected, and some good lotions for the surface area.

The problem is not solved, however. You need better diagnosis, and a holistic healer can help. I recommend you follow this course, as they can give you great advice! Usually for less money than another vet visit, when the symptoms reappear.

Here are the problems that can cause many of the issues our best friends face:

    • Poor Nutrition

    • Lack of vitamins and minerals

    • Stress related lifestyle

    • Pests and parasites

    • Lack of exercise

    • Poor response to issues and concerns

I am hopeful that you will be one of the best dog owners, to treat the symptoms once, and then, when you have the benefit of time, and patience, learning new ways to solve why these symptoms occurred in the first place. What you learn, discover and practice, will change your life. I have been changed forever with this practice, and have learned much from a bad situation.