Dogs and Treats

The Best Dog treats are not food, but time, and attention! I say this again, time and attention. As I write this, my dogs are waiting for me to take them for their morning walk, which they joyfully enjoy with relish. The small distance we go ensures their mental stability, and good manners. Without exercise, they are both crabby, irritated, and often are begging at the table. When they exercise, they look at me with appreciation, kind eyes, and gentle happiness.

If you have bad weather, there is no excuse for finding a simple foot path near your home, and doing this at least once a day, preferably twice a day. Even dogs with physical disabilities enjoy a walk to the end of the block, or the end of the driveway. It is important to be consistent, and do it frequently, and with attention and kindness.

Your best treat for them is your time and love during the time you spend together!