Path to Healing

As you go through this process, be assured, that even though you may find the solution takes days, months and maybe a year, you are heading in the right direction. Why you are here reading this web page, you have most likely tried many types of skin remedies, vet visits, and different food. You may have asked your friends and family what they have done to assist their dogs with their allergies.

I have been there! When Scarlett first started with her reactions, it was her skin. Red, itchy, patches on her usually furry rear, near her legs. She had a lot of nights where she didn't sleep so well, and kept us both up at all hours. We were beside ourselves!

I had to find the solution. Off to the vet we went, and spent time and money working on the symptoms. To no real avail, we had only delayed the next allergic reaction, and it always came back. Truly, there was a better solution, and it was simple.

Clean, healthy food, remove all harsh chemicals from the home and garden, and repeat. And, to make the situation even better, kind, peaceful, purpose in doing so. I had discovered the solution, and a way to head off the angry hot spot!

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It's more prudent to head off a disaster beforehand than to deal with it after it occurs. The proverb has been traced back to 'De Legibus' (c. 1240) by English Jurist Henry De Bracton (d. 1268).